Monday, September 2, 2013

Blaming It All on Jenny Doan

I've always been a big believer in "early to bed, early to rise" making me healthy, wealthy and wise. But, lately I've been hanging with a bad crowd. From the land of Jesse James, comes the likes of Jenny Doan and her gang, holed up in Hamilton, Missouri, and I just can't get off that runaway train.

It all started innocently enough, I happened on one of Jenny's sweet quilting tutorial videos on Enjoying it as I did, I watched a couple more. Then, I thought, "H-m-m-m, she has a web site selling quilting fabrics and supplies." Not that I need a thing, I told myself, but quickly noticed I was rallying back with, "It can't hurt to look."

It must be impossible to watch Jenny and not want to quilt.


Oh, how the transgressions of youth have caught up with me! Being younger last spring, when this all started, I was foolishly unaware of how Jenny Doan draws one in. She’s no better than a school yard junkie or a vendor at a quilt show with the latest gadget. Shameful the woman was, with her time saving, quilt producing techniques that dazzled and beguiled, making me want to buy not one but ten or twenty of her Charm Packs.
How could I help myself? Being an experienced quilter, I’ve been around since before there were Fat Quarters, and that’s saying something. So, to me, the evolution of pre-cut fabric into all sorts of selections is nothing short of amazing. And, what you can do with them! Why, being well steeped in traditional pattern drafting, I was delighted with the freedom that pre-cut fabrics allow. Quilting methods are so fast and easy now, you can set your sewing machine up on the dashboard of the car and chain piece on your way to work.

The Missouri Star Quilt Company is a family affair.


And so, my affair with Jenny Doan and her Missouri Star Quilt Company began. It was fresh, new and it was springtime. How was I to know it would turn into a passionate one-sided summer love? But, that's what happened, because, as with many love affairs, one of us became more involved than the other. While Jenny didn't even know I exist, I had signed up on her web site for the Daily Deal e-mail, because Missouri Star regularly offers a Daily Deal and it's always a doosie.
I don't know a single quilter that could pass up a charm pack that would be $12.00, being sold for 7 cents, plus $5.00 shipping & handling. That's right, folks, one of Jenny's Daily Deals actually had a Charm Pack on sale for $5.07. I mean, are you starting to get the picture? I became so involved, I was lurking on her web site, searching my e-mail in-box for a "hot of the press" Daily Deal announcement and staying up late at night to be the first in the Western Hemisphere to see what was going to be offered next.
Whereas before, my life was in order, with an early bedtime and sensible waking hours, now I am writing this post, staying up past 12:00midnight, waiting, just waiting to see what Jenny will Daily Deal today. I'm not proud of it, but like I said, it's how I roll. When Jenny posts, I pay attention, sacrificing sleep for specials, as any quilter would.

It's just that, I can't stop and I... wait, it's almost 1:30 in the morning. Gotta' scoot and see if the Daily Deal's been posted! Here I come, Jenny! Love you! is authored by a little bird who loves to lure unsuspecting BlogHer bloggers to her web site and daily newspaper,
The NewsFlash.